We’ve noticed that the challenges on our sidebar are woefully out of date, but the number of challenges springing up in the blogosphere just keep growing. Here are a few more we’d like to share with you. And don’t forget our version of the Genre Challenge. Click on the title of any of the challenges to join.

guardianThe Guardian’s 1000 Novels Challenge

Okay we’ll start with a more daunting challenge. Don’t worry there will be some more leisurely challenges further down on the list.

The Challenge: Read 10 books off the Guardian’s List of 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read one from each category and one you’ve never heard of until you saw the list.  “Feel free to complain about certain books being included or not included.”
February 1, 2009 – February 1, 2010

queenbuttonIt’s Good to Be Queen Challenge

I couldn’t resist the title of this one!

The Challenge: Chose 2-4 books on any women who reigned as Queen. Your Queen can be from any era as long as she held the title Queen Or Empress at some point in her lifetime. The books can be fiction or nonfiction which ever your prefer.
January 30,2009 and runs til June 2, 2009.

orbisterrarummapsmOrbis Terrarum Challenge

I know the name sounds daunting, but this looks like a fun challenge for the armchair traveler.

The Challenge: Read 10 books by 10 different authors from 10 different countries one for each month of the challenge. This one has several related mini-challenges as well.
March 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009

graphicnovelbutton2Graphics Novel Challenge

For something a little more manageable, this challenge offers various levels of participation.

The Challenge: It’s simple. Choose the level of participation and read the number of graphic novels required. There are lots of lists on the challenge website if you can’t decide what to read.

contemporaryContemporary Romance Challenge

Because Valentine’s Day is not too far away, I thought I’d add this one.

The Challenge:  Read at least one contemporary romance a month. Any contemporary romance of your choice is eligible. By contemporary I mean any book placed in a contemporary setting with no paranormal elements.